Open Data Portal
Metric Performance Dashboard

Team Tech Huskies

A project sponsored by Data.WA


What's Data.WA?

Open data portal for WA State

The WA Tech Open Data Portal is an online platform that provides centralized repository datasets cover in all kinds of area.
The data is available for free, and can be used by public to gain insights into the state's ecosystem.

What do we want to solve? What's their pain points?

flux office

Finalize Product

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Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare.
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget.
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What we do


Following our ongoing discussion with our sponsor, we have implemented some actions to address the challenges associated with manual data management in Excel, as well as monitoring and maintaining the usage and quality of datasets in open data portal.

Clarify Metric Definition

We align our understanding of metrics with the sponsor to extract precise data first.

Data pipeline Automation

We connect to Socrata API to fetch the data and build the data pipeline to make the whole process automatically updated.

Create Visualizations
and Dashboard

We utilize the built-in visualization tool from the portal’s system vendor, Tyler,  to build a story page as a dashboard to display the performance.


We build a GitHub's documentation library for future data extraction and dashboard maintenance.
Also we utilize Notion Pages to communicate with the sponsor and track our process.

What's the outcome?



Data Pipeline & Documentation

We leverage GitHub Actions and Azure Data Storage to provide automates Python scripts, providing regular updates and the latest data visualizations for real-time insights.

Visualization Dashboard

This is the preview of the story page we build on Data.WA's data portal as a dashboard to display the performance.

What difference we make


By transitioning from manual data management to automated processes, we've significantly improved data extraction efficiency and clarity of insights. The automation and visualization tools we've implemented not only boost our current operational effectiveness but also enhance strategic planning capabilities, ensuring scalability and setting the stage for sustained future growth.

Data Extraction Efficiency

By minimizing manual efforts, accelerating data retrieval, and reducing error risk, we've boosted productivity and reliability, achieving a 50% increase in weekly work output.

Optimizing Data Clarity and Insights

We connect to Socrata API to fetch the data and build the data pipeline to make the whole process automatically updated.

Future Growth

Maintaining stable data quality and consistency fortifies our potential for scalability. Meanwhile, real-time data visualization offers precise insights, enabling informed, future-focused strategic planning.

The team

Tech Huskies

Raymond Su

Project Manager

Frank Lai

Software Engineer

JiaJia Yu

Data Analyst

Presentation Video